How tor read DataMatrix (GS1) barcode and save output to a file using Aspose.BarCode REST API

I need to save the read multiple pages with DataMatrix (GS1) to a file (excel, cvs, txt, any) so that there is a list in the file. How am I able to do it using your functionality (Сканировать штрих код онлайн)?
Or is there some other option?


Please check the following documentation to recognize the barcodes from an image file using Aspose.Barcode REST API. The API methods returns the result as a list. You can iterate through the list and save the output to a Text file.

BarcodeResponseList response = barcodeApi.GetBarcodeRecognize(request);
TextWriter outPut = new StreamWriter("C:/Temp/Barcode_output.txt");
foreach (var barcode in response.Barcodes) { 