How to read Formatted text from MS Word Bookmark?


As we are evaluating this product… really appreciate the product for its performance and ease of usage.
We could sort out a lot of bookmark issues with aspose easily compared to OpenXML and Spire.doc.

There is one use-case that we are stuck with for now, Our requirement is to read the bookmark content from a word document(docx) which includes a bit of text formatting and bulleted data and show this content in a wysiwyg editor in HTML webpage (summernote wysiwyg editor) so that the user can update if required and we shall replace if it in the document if there is any change.

The bookmark Range .Text property gives us a string format which clears all the formatting.

Kindly advice.


Yes, currently Text property returns a plain text string of the bookmark. However, please share your sample word document and expected output along with your sample code. We will further look into your requirement and will try to provide some solution.