How to modify Python download file code to avoid generating 0 byte pdf files? Other code functions are running normally

How to modify Python download file code to avoid generating 0 byte pdf files? Other code functions are running normally.

import os
from asposepdfcloud import PdfApi, models
from asposepdfcloud.api_client import ApiClient

# Replace with your Aspose Cloud App key and App SID
app_key = 'your_app_key'
app_sid = 'your_app_sid'

# Initialize the PdfApi client
pdf_api_client = ApiClient(app_key=app_key, app_sid=app_sid)
pdf_api = PdfApi(pdf_api_client)

def process_pdf_files_in_folder(input_folder, output_folder):
    # Ensure the output folder exists
    os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)

    # Iterate over all PDF files in the input folder
    for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if filename.endswith(".pdf"):
            input_file_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
            remote_name = filename
            copied_file = f'processed_{filename}'
            # Upload PDF file to cloud storage
            pdf_api.upload_file(remote_name, input_file_path)

            # Copy the file
            pdf_api.copy_file(remote_name, copied_file)

            # Replace text
            text_replace = models.TextReplace(old_value='Watermark instead', new_value='', regex=True)
            text_replace_list = models.TextReplaceListRequest(text_replaces=[text_replace])
            pdf_api.post_document_text_replace(copied_file, text_replace_list)
            # Download the processed file to the local system
            output_file_path = os.path.join(output_folder, copied_file)
            # Retrieve the file content from the cloud
            response = pdf_api.download_file(copied_file)
            # Open a file stream to write the downloaded content
            with open(output_file_path, 'wb') as file:
                # Write the content to the file

            print(f'Processed and saved: {output_file_path}')

# Use specific folder paths
process_pdf_files_in_folder(r'D:\Temp\s1', r'D:\Temp\s2')

Dear @kirill.novinskiy ,
Can you help me?

Hi, @asposer01
Does the problem occur when processing any specific files or is it random?
How big is the documents folder?
Please share your original document, which was saved with a length of 0 bytes.

Random, I just tested 3 similar files. The size of this file is 530Kb.

@asposer01, what type of storage do you use?

My storage information is:

Internal Storage Details

Storage Name : aspose-pdf-cloud-python
Storage Mode : Retain files for one month

@asposer01, your code snippet is not well.

Find this lines:

            # Retrieve the file content from the cloud
            response = pdf_api.download_file(copied_file)
            # Open a file stream to write the downloaded content
            with open(output_file_path, 'wb') as file:
                # Write the content to the file

change to:

            # Retrieve the file content from the cloud
            download_filepath = pdf_api.download_file(copied_file)
            shutil.move(download_filepath, output_file_path)

and add this to the beginning of the script:

import shutil
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According to your guidance, the code runs perfectly, even in the case of batch processing pdf is no problem at all, the problem was successfully resolved, thank you very much.