How to get Excel Worksheet Page count in Flutter?

Hello. How i can get total pages number of xls file from flutter?


Please reference Aspose.Cells Cloud - API References and following codes:

instance = new CellsApi(clientId, clientSecret);
var response = instance.CellsWorkbookGetPageCount(“Book1.xlsx”, “Temp”);
Assert.IsInstanceOf(response, “response is WorkbookResponse”);
Assert.Greater((long)response ,0);

Thank you. But What is CellsApi(clientId, clientSecret)?
You do not have Fluter SDK for cells. How i can get this object?

or can you write full code for node js? how i can send file and get page number. Please, please, please.
for cels and word.
Thank you.


Please refer to following codes:

describe(‘CellsWorkbook_GetPageCountRequest’, function () {

it(‘should call CellsWorkbook_GetPageCountRequest successfully’, function () {

const cellsApi = new api.CellsApi("clientId", "clientSecret","v3.0","");

const filename = "Book1.xlsx";

var data = fs.createReadStream(localPath + filename);

var req = new model.UploadFileRequest();

req.path = "Temp/" + filename;

req.file = data;

return cellsApi.uploadFile(req)

  .then((result) => {


    const filename = "Book1.xlsx";

    var req = new model.CellsWorkbook_GetPageCountRequest();

    req.folder = "Temp"; = filename;

    return cellsApi.cellsWorkbookGetPageCount(req)

      .then((result) => {






Hi. Where i can get api.CellsApi and model.UploadFileRequest?


Please access Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Node .