How To Convert Word Document to HTML Without Losing Original Image Resolution


when we tried to convert the word documents with pictures, the quality of the pictures are reduced. How can i keep the original resolution of the image after conversion?
I tried to set ScaleImageToShapeSize option to false, but still the same result.

Thanks for your help.


Please share your input document along with the current output and expected output. You can create an output document using Microsoft Word. We will look into the issue and will guide you accordingly.

here is the exampleOriginal.docx (426.6 KB)

after convert i got this
image.jpg (97.1 KB)

and this is the export (convert html back to word)
Doc_Export_1650641717566.docx (340.4 KB)

you can see the resolution of the image reduced a lot, i want to keep the resolution when importing/exporting.
Thanks for advance.


You can convert Word document to HTML without losing original Image resolution using Aspose.Words REST API. Please try to increase the image resolution using ImageResolution property, it will help you to improve the image quality. Please find the output document after converting back the HTML to DOCX for reference.
HTMLtoDOCX.docx (398.7 KB)

cURL Code to Convert Word Document to HTML With Embedded Images

curl -X PUT "" 
-H "accept: application/json" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer [Access_Token]" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-H "x-aspose-client: Containerize.Swagger" 
-d "{\"SaveFormat\":\"html\",\"FileName\":\"testdocxtohtml.html\",\"ZipOutput\":true,\"ExportImagesAsBase64\":true,\"ExportTextBoxAsSvg\":true,\"MetafileFormat\":\"Svg\",\"PrettyFormat\":true,\"ImageResolution\":150,\"ScaleImageToShapeSize\":false}"```