How to convert PDF document to editable MS Word document using Aspose.Words REST API

When I convert pdf to doc/docx (using your website), the resulting doc/docx is not editable in MS Word.

I would like to generate an editable version. My requirement is to convert pdfs to editable MS Word files programmatically. So please let me know if you have APIs that can do this. I want the formatting of the PDF retained (fonts, tables, paragraphs etc) in the Word doc and it should be editable using MS Word.



You can use ConvertDocument API method to convert PDF to DOC/DOCX. It will help you to accomplish the task.

// Get Client ID and Secret from
WordsApi wordsApi = new WordsApi(ClientId,ClientSecret);

var request = new ConvertDocumentRequest(
    document: File.OpenRead("C:/Temp/02_pages.pdf"),
    format: "docx"

var result = wordsApi.ConvertDocument(request);
var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create("C:/Temp/Test.docx");
