I am receiving the following error when trying to add a Signature Form Field:
text: ‘{“RequestId”:“daa0408b-f2c0-4253-8af2-a48ea41da8a8”,“Error”:{“Code”:“internalError”,“Message”:“Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”,“Description”:“Operation Failed. Internal error.”,“DateTime”:“2021-04-08T02:17:57.2478794Z”,“InnerError”:null}}’,
const signature = new Signature();
signature.authority = "Linqed-IQ";
signature.contact = "ppayne@linqed-iq.com"
signature.date = "08/01/2012 12:15:00.000 PM";
signature.formFieldName = "Signature1";
signature.location = "United States";
signature.password = "test1234";
signature.rectangle = { lLX: 100, lLY: 100, uRX: 500, uRY: 500 };
signature.signaturePath = "Linqed-IQ.pfx";
signature.signatureType = SignatureType.PKCS7;
signature.visible = true;
signature.showProperties = true;
signature.Signature1 = 'LinqedIQ Development';
//signature.pageIndex = 1;
const signatureField = new SignatureField(); // https://github.com/aspose-pdf-cloud/aspose-pdf-cloud-node.js/blob/master/docs/SignatureField.md -->
signatureField.pageIndex = 1;
pdfApi.putSignatureField('test1.pdf', 'Signature1', signatureField, null, remoteFolder).then((result) => {
}).catch(function(err) {
// Deal with an error
console.log('COPY ERROR!');
I am not sure how to resolve this error. Do you have a working example of this API operation on Node.js?
ALSO: I reached my 150 API limit on my Free account. Either I need it temporarily extended during my trial, or I need assistance. When I enter in CC details, it keeps giving me an error that a card needs to be on file (it is), so something not working with CC input forms for upgrade. I left a VM as well on sales #.