How does free credit work in trial plan of Aspose Cloud?

I am confused. I have 45kb Output file from about 250 short posts. As I wanted to create another one, it shows my 50 credits are used? Which criteria are for using credits? Filesize from each post? Output size?

Are this free 50 credits for each month? 99$ are too much for me to use it once for a while. This 1 file per month would be enough but I have to know how many short posts I can export?


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.

Please check Pricing web page it will answer most of your queries.

Are this free 50 credits for each month?


Please let us know if you still have any questions.


As an update, please note the latest Aspose Cloud Free Trail Plan offers 150 free API calls per month. And Aspose Cloud APIs support max 100 MB file size in the request body and every API call consumes 1 credit limit. However, file bigger than 20 MB will consume more credits.