Hosting Aspose.Slides application in AWS cloud

I wanted to know once i take a trial version and do create a prototype, I wanted to know if i will be able to host the application in AWS Cloud.
The main question here is does the AWS Cloud server machine need Aspose installed to run the code i am using.

This Topic is created by mudassir.fayyaz using the Email to Topic plugin.


Our product team has investigated the requirements by having a basic free AWS and creating two different types of services:

  • EC2
  • Elastic Beanstalk basic Web App

Then we tested basic application which used Aspose.Slides to convert PowerPoint documents into the other formats, rendering of thumbnails and creating new Presentations from scratch. Everything was completed successfully. So in basic it seems Aspose.Slides can be configured and working in AWS.

Many Thanks,

Mudassir Fayyaz

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