Gateway or Not Found Errors

We are seeing multiple errors in the past hour where files are not available for download The errors are consistently “Bad Gateway” or “Not Found Occurred”.

Please advise. This is an urgent issue to resolve.

Here is a sample error:
Error: DownloadFileAsync. Exception: AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist. Bucket ‘’, FilePath

We are still seeing intermittent errors. Is this being investigated by Aspose?

@tilal.ahmad - please review and comment.


I am afraid neither we have faced the reported issue nor any other customer reported it. Are you still facing the issue? Please share some more details of the issue e.g. code and API used to download files. Meanwhile, we will go through our server logs to identify any such issue.

@tilal.ahmad - yes, we are still experiencing this disruption in service. Nothing has changed on our end with how the API calls are being made. See attached for a sceenshot of our API Usage which shows a large number of 400 Errors. The error details are consistent with what I shared previously in this thread (AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist. Bucket ' Something must have changed with Aspose or Amazon. aspose.PNG (81.5 KB)

Note: I am unable to access files via the “Files” link in the Aspose Web UI, so I can’t confirm if the files actually exist. Is there another interface I can use to access our files?

This is a major service disruption for us. Please treat this as a critical priority to resolve.

@tilal.ahmad - I am now able to access files via the web UI provided by Aspose, but it is extremely slow. I don’t know if this is related to the disruption we are experiencing, but I’m seeing a number of older files. The storage mode is set to “Retain files for one week”. Is the expectation that files older than a week will be deleted? If so, that is not happening. Perhaps clearing out the older files will help with the disruption.

@tilal.ahmad - please provide a status on this issue. Did you learn anything from reviewing the server logs?


We have checked the logs and it seems you are trying to download a file that didn’t exist on your storage account. We just returned what we got from Amazon S3. So please you can double check the file availability using Web UI.

We are checking this and will share our findings with you soon.

Our process uploads PDFs to Aspose then merges them using your API. The fact the files don’t exist indicates something went wrong with the processing of the files that we uploaded. For the files that are missing, are you able to view attempts to generates these files in your log files?

@tilal.ahmad - see below. Why would the file exist at 12:24 then return a 400 2 minutes later?

2021-09-29 12:24:00 PM
Request Trace Id: 1-61549320-51c0680b089980147baff2a1
200 Success:

2021-09-29 12:26:13 PM
Request Trace Id: 1-615493a5-19a8c22c2a87c05831a24097
400 Error:


We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are analyzing the logs and will provide you update shortly.

i m having the same problem API calls are delaying and sometimes showing failed and not working :frowning:

@tilal.ahmad - did the server log analysis yield any results?


Please pay attention to the response body of the ObjectExists API method along with the HttpResponseCode value. The HttpResponseCode shows the API method executed successfully or not but the response body includes the result, that the file/folder exists or not exists at specified storage…

Please check the following screenshot, the HttpResponseCode is 200 but Exists property is false. The same is the case with your above mentioned request.

image.png (10.8 KB)

@jnugent, @kon84730

We are still working on the timeout issue. We will update you on it. Thanks for your patience and cooperation.