I would like to confirm that do the Aspose.Cells cloud Product provide a feature to merge docx or xlsx files to a PPT ? I was asked by Aspose.Slides Cloud Support team to ask in this forum .
Aspose.Cells Cloud supports merging kind of formats files into a Pptx file. but Aspose.Cells Cloud has no support for loading docx files.
Please reference the online document and the following Net SDK code: Supported File Formats|Aspose.Cells Cloud Document
string assemblyTestXlsx = "assemblytest.xlsx";
string dataSourceXlsx = "datasource.xlsx";
string format = "pptx";
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, System.IO.Stream> mapFiles =new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.IO.Stream>();
mapFiles.Add(assemblyTestXlsx, File.OpenRead(@"C:\TestData\" + assemblyTestXlsx));
mapFiles.Add(dataSourceXlsx, File.OpenRead(@"C:\TestData\" + dataSourceXlsx));
var request = new PostMergeRequest(
file: mapFiles,
outFormat: format,
mergeToOneSheet: false
CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi("your ClientId", "your ClientSecret");
var actual = cellsApi.PostMerge(request);