Font File Format

Hi can you provide me a list of file formats that are supported? When I click on this link: Learn about Font File Formats and APIs that can open and create Font files on File Format Docs it gives me the html code and not the list of formats supports.

See sample below :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>Learn about Font File Formats and APIs that can open and create Font files on File Format Docs content in Learn about Font File Formats and APIs that can open and create Font files on File Format DocsHugo -- gohugo.ioenThu, 17 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0000CHR File Format - Borland Character Set, 11 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 is a CHR file? A CHR file can also serve as font configuration file utilized by Microsoft Windows. This type of file stores essential data used for adjusting size and style of fonts within operating system. Software applications that interact with system fonts can make use of these &ldquo;.chr&rdquo; files to customize how these fonts appear on screen.

Borland Character Set A &ldquo;character set&rdquo; refers to predefined collection of characters, symbols, or glyphs that are associated with specific numeric codes.ODTTF File - Obfuscated OpenType Font File FormatODTTF File - Obfuscated OpenType Font File FormatFri, 13 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000ODTTF File - Obfuscated OpenType Font File FormatWhat is a ODTTF file? An ODTTF file is a font file format that is utilized by the .XPS and Microsoft Office 2007 file formats. It contains obfuscated OpenType font that has been modified in order to make it difficult to extract the font&rsquo;s design information or to reverse-engineer the font&rsquo;s source code. ODTTF is based on the fonts used in the original documents but are not in plain format and may not be to read by third-party software to extract font data.GXF File - General CADD Pro Font File FormatGXF File - General CADD Pro Font File FormatThu, 12 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000GXF File - General CADD Pro Font File FormatWhat is an GXF file? A GXF file is a font file by the CAD design tool for Windows, General CADD Pro. The software uses the font to insert text and other symbols into a CAD drawing. GXF fonts should be available to General CADD Pro software in order for a CAD drawing to be displayed properly.
You can open a GXF file using General CADD Pro.
About General CADD Pro General CADD Pro offers two-letter command structure that is incorporated and used by many drafting professionals.WOFF2 File - Web Open Font Format 2.0 FileWOFF2 File - Web Open Font Format 2.0 FileTue, 10 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000WOFF2 File - Web Open Font Format 2.0 FileWhat is a WOFF2 file? WOFF2 is a font file format that is a more compressed version of the Web Open Font Format (WOFF). It was developed as a way to reduce the file size of web fonts, allowing them to load faster and use less bandwidth. WOFF2 uses a compression algorithm called Brotli to compress the font data, which can result in file sizes that are significantly smaller than equivalent WOFF fonts.ETX - TeX Font Encoding File FormatETX - TeX Font Encoding File FormatSun, 08 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000ETX - TeX Font Encoding File FormatWhat is an ETX file? An ETX file is a font file used by the typesetting systems, TeX and LaTeX. It is saved as a text file and defines the appearance of a font by its encoding. ETX font files are loaded in software that provide the capability for working with Tex documents. Once loaded, the ETX font files can be used for customization of TeX documents.
References List of Font File Formats FNT File FormatVFB File - FontLab Studio Font File FormatVFB File - FontLab Studio Font File FormatSun, 08 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000VFB File - FontLab Studio Font File FormatWhat is a VFB file? A VFB file is a font file created with FontLab Studio. It stores font data such as shapes of letters, numerals, and symbols, in a digital format. The glyphs of these digital fonts make up the alphabet and other symbols. VFB file format stores font in a vector file format. This makes the glyphs independent of scaling without losing quality.
You can open VFB file using FontLab Studio and FontLab TransType Pro.VLW - Processing Font File FormatVLW - Processing Font File FormatSun, 08 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000VLW - Processing Font File FormatWhat is a VLW file? A VLW file is a font format used by the images and animations making software, Processing. It stores vector fonts in a compact way that can be scaled to any size without losing quality. This makes its use in graphics and visual design. Processing provides the capability to make images and animations, where these VLW font glyphs are used.
VLW File Format - More Information VLW files are saved to disc as binary files.MFX File - Maxis Font File FormatMFX File - Maxis Font File FormatMon, 14 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000MFX File - Maxis Font File FormatWhat is an MFX file? An MFX file is a font file used by the Maxis SimCity 4 simulation game. It is used to render game text on screen from one of the selected font types including Arial, Courier, or any other font available in the font file. MFX files come installed with the SimCity 4 game and need not be created manually.
SimCity 4 is a simulation computer game for creating city-building simulations.Type 1 - PostScript Type 1 fontsType 1 - PostScript Type 1 fontsFri, 26 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000Type 1 - PostScript Type 1 fontsWhat are Type 1 Fonts? Type 1 fonts is a deprecated Adobe technology which was widely used in the desktop based publishing software and printers that could use PostScript. Although Type 1 fonts are not supported in many modern platforms, web browsers and mobile operating systems, but these are still supported in some of the operating systems. The insufficiency of Unicode information Support in Type 1 fonts also restrict their ability to support extended language character sets.BDF - Glyph Bitmap Distribution FormatBDF - Glyph Bitmap Distribution FormatThu, 25 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000BDF - Glyph Bitmap Distribution FormatWhat is a BDF file? BDF files are human readable form and usually distributed in an ASCII encoding. The file starts with global information relevant to the complete font, followed by the information and bitmaps for the individuals glyphs. The data in it shows for the font for a single size orientation. The metrics to use in more than one direction may be comprised in a single file. In BDF file, each item is contained on a separate line of text in the file.TTC - TrueType Collection File FormatTTC - TrueType Collection File FormatThu, 25 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000TTC - TrueType Collection File FormatWhat is a TTC file? The TTC is abbreviated as TrueType Collection is an extension of True Type format. A TTC file can combine the multiple font files into it. These files are beneficial for combining multiple fonts that share many glyphs in common. Before Windows 2000, the TTC files were used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean versions of windows but later on the support were available for all regions.CFF - Compact Font File FormatCFF - Compact Font File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000CFF - Compact Font File FormatWhat is a CFF file? A file with .cff extension is a Compact Font Format and is also known as a PostScript Type 1, or CIDFont. CFF acts as a container to store multiple fonts together in a single unit known as a FontSet. The design of CFF fonts allow embedding PostScript language code that permits additional flexibility and extensibility of the format for usage with printer environments. CFF font files can be opened and converted using APIs such as Aspose.CFF2 - Compact Font File Format version 2CFF2 - Compact Font File Format version 2Thu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000CFF2 - Compact Font File Format version 2What is a CFF2 file? CFF2 file format is the version 2.0 of the CFF file format and allows efficient storage of glyph outlines and metadata similar to the CFF file format. CFF2 differs from CFF in that it is intended to be used in the context of an OpenType font as a &lsquo;sfnt&rsquo; table with the tag CFF2. It can&rsquo;t be used as a stand-alone program and depends on data in other OpenType tables.EOT - TrueType Font File FormatEOT - TrueType Font File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000EOT - TrueType Font File FormatWhat is an EOT file? A file with .eot extension is an OpenType font that is embedded in a document. These are mostly used in web files such as a Web page. It was created by Microsoft and is supported by Microsoft Products including PowerPoint presentation .pps file. The file isn&rsquo;t of primary use and is sort of accompanying document with the main document or web page. Similar to OTF fonts, EOT supports both Postscript and TrueType outlines for the glyphs.FNT - Windows Font FileFNT - Windows Font FileThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000FNT - Windows Font FileWhat is a FNT file? A file with .fnt extension is a font file that stores generic font information on Windows Operating systems. FNT files have been mostly replaced by TrueType (.TTF) and OpenType (.OTF) file formats, and is an obsolete font file format as of now. These files can store a single rater or vector font. All device drivers support the Windows 2.x fonts. However, not all device drivers support the Windows 3.FON - Font Library FileFON - Font Library FileThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000FON - Font Library FileWhat is a FON file? A file with .fon extension is a Microsoft Windows 3.x font library that is actually an executable file but renamed to .fon. It is a collection of .fnt files in itself and applications reference it while accessing system font. That is why it acts as a resource file. It can be opened on Windows OS using Microsoft Windows Font View application.
FON File Format A FON file contains font resources and has Resource (.FOT - Font Resource File FormatFOT - Font Resource File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000FOT - Font Resource File FormatWhat is an FOT file? An FOT file is a font file used for font outline data files. It contains information about the overall shapes and outlines of the characters in a font. Other information contained in a .fot file includes font&rsquo;s name, style and its size. FOT files are used by applications that support TrueType (.TTF files). It is more often used by application installers during installation of fonts.JFPROJ - JSON Font Project File FormatJFPROJ - JSON Font Project File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000JFPROJ - JSON Font Project File FormatWhat is a JFPROJ file? A file with .jfproj extension is a JSON based custom font created with Microsoft Font Maker application on Windows 10. These can be created by using electronic pen with touch screen devices such as tablets although other computer peripherals such as mouse can also be used in case of computers. JFPROJ files contain the glyphs that are used to render the characters to the screen by defining the spacing between characters and words, and size of the font.OTF - TrueType Font File FormatOTF - TrueType Font File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000OTF - TrueType Font File FormatWhat is a OTF file? A file with .otf extension refers to OpenType font format. OTF font format is more scalable and extends the existing features of TTF formats for digital typography. Developed by Microsoft and Adobe, OTF combines the features of PostScript and TrueType font formats. This makes OTF format to accommodate majority writing systems and that is why it is uniformly used on major computer platforms. The OpenType font format is supported by Mac OS X and Windows 2000 and later.PFA - Printer Font Ascii File FormatPFA - Printer Font Ascii File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000PFA - Printer Font Ascii File FormatWhat is a PFA file? A file with .pfa extension is a Printer Font ASCII version of Adobe&rsquo;s Type 1 font and contains font&rsquo;s glyph data. The file is in human readable format and can be opened in any text editor. PostScript interpreter can use this type of font as a whole for its working. Printer Font Binary (PFB) version of Adobe&rsquo;s Type 1 font contains the same information. However, unline PFA, it is in binary file format and is not human readable.PFB - Printer Font Binary File FormatPFB - Printer Font Binary File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000PFB - Printer Font Binary File FormatWhat is a PFB file? A file with .pfb extension is a Printer Font Binary version of Adobe&rsquo;s Type 1 font. It is similar to .pfa(/font/pfa/) files but are binary in nature. PFB files store Adobe Type 1 fonts used for the windows operating system. These contain glyph&rsquo;s data of the font and stores data in a compact form in binary format. In addition to having binary encoded content, PFB files are encrypted.PFM - Printer Font Metrics File FormatPFM - Printer Font Metrics File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000PFM - Printer Font Metrics File FormatWhat is a PFM file? A file with .pfm extension is a Printer Font Metrics file that contains character measurements included in the font file. It is must to have the PFM file alongside the associated .pfb(/font/pfb/) file in the same folder while installing the later. PFM files are binary encoded and are not in human readable.SFD - Spline Font Database FormatSFD - Spline Font Database FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000SFD - Spline Font Database FormatWhat is a SFD file? A file with .sfd (Spline Font Database) extension is native ASCII font format for font editing software - FontForge. The software supports supports many other common font formats and is freely available. The software can be used for almost all modern operating systems including Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
SFD File Format SFD files are ASCII files that are human readable and are easily transferred across the internet.TTF - TrueType Font File FormatTTF - TrueType Font File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000TTF - TrueType Font File FormatWhat is a TTF file? A file with .ttf extension represents font files based on the TrueType specifications font technology. It was initially designed and launched by Apple Computer, Inc for Mac OS and was later adopted by Microsoft for Windows OS. TrueType fonts provide highest quality display on computer screens and printers without any dependency on resolution. All modern applications using fonts are able to work with TTF files. TTF font files are freely available over the internet and can also be converted to other font file formats such as OTF and WOFF.WOFF - Web Open File FormatWOFF - Web Open File FormatThu, 20 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000WOFF - Web Open File FormatWhat is a WOFF file? A file with .woff extension is a web font file based on the Web Open Font Format (WOFF). It has format-specific compressed container based on either TrueType (.TTF) or OpenType (.OTT) font types. WOFF was introduced with the aim to differ web fonts from fonts files used in desktop applications. In addition, the format targeted to reduce the latency of fonts transfer from server to client&rsquo;s computer over the network.


Can you please specify which Aspose product you are referring to for the supported file formats? Are you looking for formats supported by Aspose.Words, Aspose.PDF, or another product?

Aspose.Words, Aspose.PDF

I didn’t get exactly what you are looking for: fonts or file formats. And what API method do you mean?

File formats for custom fonts for example TTF, OTF and more

Here is a list of supported fonts:

  • TrueType (TTF)
  • OpenType (OTF)
  • Type 1 (PostScript)
  • WOFF (Web Open Font Format)
  • WOFF2
  • Embedded OpenType (EOT)

Thank you and we can close this thread.