File Retention Issues (Error calling aspose api: Request failed with status code 404)

We have been using Aspose PDF to mailmerge a specific template file into a PDF. Since Aspose’s Storage only retains files for up to 30 days, I set up an exemption so that this template file doesn’t get wiped out in the process.

That has worked just fine… until now. Have been encountering error 404 codes saying the file is not found. Uploaded the file again but still receiving the same error. I now also cannot find anywhere on Aspose the exception i set up anymore.

File Retention Policy - About - - according to this article:

“The customer may also configure various automated file retention rules, (such as automatically deleting files after a number of days and other options), and exempt specific folders and files from the 30-day default using the account management screens.”

We should still be able to exempt files. Yet I can’t find the settings for these anymore.

Is anyone else having this issue?

The ability to permanently store files is currently suspended. There is a possibility that we will restore this feature in the near future.