File conversion from DWG to DXF

Hello everyone,

i am using the Aspose.Cad to convert dwg file to dxf format by python SDK.
My code:

app_id = 'xxx'
app_key = 'xxx'

cad_api = CadApi(app_key , app_id )
request = requests.GetDrawingSaveAsRequest("sample.dwg", "dxf", "dwg", "sample.dxf","MyPrivateStorage")

ret = cad_api.get_drawing_save_as(request)

but does not work.
The result is:

404, {'code': 'errorItemNotFound',
 'description': 'Operation Failed. Item Not Found.',
 'inner_error': None,
 'message': 'The storage MyPrivateStorage was not found or is not associated with the application.'})

I checked the app_key, app_id and storage name and both of them are correct.
Could anyone help me?

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