Extract PDF Metadata and PDF Document Info Request in Java Throws Error

I am facing issues in running any request for Aspose-pdf-cloud. I have set up the API and made account as well. Following is the code that i am using:




ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
PdfApi apiInstance = new PdfApi(apiClient);

String name = “CoverPage.pdf”; // String | The document name.
String storage = “AsposeCloudTesting”; // String | The document storage.
String folder = “TestFiles”; // String | The document folder.

DocumentResponse doc = apiInstance.getDocument(name, storage, folder);

It gives me 400 Bad request all though i have same storage, folder and file on my account. Kindly guide how to send requests using aspose-pdf-cloud.


I have tested getDocument API method using Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for Java to extract PDF metadata and PDF document Info, but I am unable to notice any issue. Please double check the file path/availability. Hopefully, it will help you to accomplish the task. Otherwise, please share your credentials(Client Id/Secret) via private message using the flag button at the end of my post.


Thanks for sharing your credentials. I have tested your shared sample code without any issue. Please use the latest SDK version 21.11.0 from Aspose Cloud Maven Repository. Hopefully, it will resolve the issue.

ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
		PdfApi pdfApi = new PdfApi(apiClient);
		String name = "result.pdf";
		String storage = "AsposeCloudTesting";
		String folder = "TestFiles";

		DocumentResponse response = pdfApi.getDocument(name, storage, folder);

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