I hope that you’re having a great day so far! I would like to ensure that additional fields are being saved in the word doc, not just the title and content. For example, I would like to save the time of submission, who submitted the post, and what form the fields were submitted through.
Thanks for your inquiry. Please share some more details of your requirement along with a sample output document. We will look into it and will guide you accordingly.
Thank you for replying so quickly! I would love to be able to include the following:
Published date
Post title
All custom fields
Author username
What form the post was submitted from
Here is the sample document Dropbox - output_1572407087.docx - Simplify your life
Thanks for your feedback. You can include post date, author and category from plugin setting page. Hopefully it will fulfill your most of the requirements. For custom fields we will investigate and will decide accordingly to support it in the future release of plugin.

We would like to inform you that the latest version of Aspose.Words Exporter WordPress Plugin has free and unlimited access to Apose.Words Cloud API to export WordPress Posts/Pages. You do not need to sign up with aspose.cloud to use it, just a single click configure it.