Export Wordpress post including text styling with Aspose.Words WordPress Plugin


I wanted to export wordpress post into word document using a template, where in the style are preformatted. Is that possible? Can you please send us some guide on how we can do it.


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@macneilco Could you please let us know what Aspose.Words product do you use? Do you use Aspose.Words on-premise API or Aspose.Words WordPress plugin?


Im using Aspose.Words WordPress plugin


We are using an HTML file as a template while exporting the post file. The HTML file is generated by twig templates located in the plugin directory inside templates directory, wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/templates/. There are two templates; post.twig is used for single post and posts.twig for multiple posts. You can amend/update the twig files(post.twig/posts.twig) as per your requirements.


I am experiencing the same problem - the DOCX file that is exported is simply a plain text doc with HTML tags in it - not in Word format at all.

These template files do not exist in my copy of the Wordpress plugin. Can someone help me understand how to configure the plugin?

Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 01.11.41.png (312.0 KB)


Please try the latest version of Aspose.Words Exporter and Importer WordPress plugin. However, if the issue persists, then please share your post HTML code as a zip file for investigation.

I have the latest version of the plugin - here is the zip file.

I am using custom post types - does this have something to do with it?

acute-haemorrhagic-diarrhoea-syndrome.docx.zip (26.6 KB)


Thanks for sharing the additional information. We are looking into the issue and will update you soon.