Error when converting docx to html

After few successful call conversions from word (docx) to html, and then I get an error.

Error while loading file ‘sourceFiles/Pre-Kindy Curriculum Guidelines_eed8cf16-3464-4d58-a61a-9c415468cb79.docx’ from storage. The specified file does not exist.

The error found in Azure application insights:
PUT /v4.0/words/Pre-Kindy%20Curriculum%20Guidelines_eed8cf16-3464-4d58-a61a-9c415468cb79.docx/saveAs

But actually the file is existed in blob container.

I use the nuget package "Aspose.Words-Cloud Version=“24.4.0”.

Here are part of code (c#).

// Retry logic
int retryCount = 0;
while (retryCount < 5) // Try a maximum of 3 attempts
// Since eventual consistency might be causing the file not to be available immediately after upload, consider increasing the delay before attempting the SaveAs operation.
await Task.Delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds before retrying

var isUploaded = await CheckBlobExistsAsync("asposecloud", blobName, _storageAccountConnectionString);
if (!isUploaded)
    _logger.LogWarning($"Retry {retryCount + 1}: The document '{sourceFileName}' is not uploaded yet. Retrying...");

result = await _wordsApi.SaveAs(request);
if (result?.SaveResult?.DestDocument != null)
    break; // Success, exit loop

_logger.LogWarning($"Retry {retryCount + 1}: Failed to save the document. Retrying...");



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