Error: PutConvertWorkbook. Exception: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream

One of the many files we need to convert: + Compal/(04-23)%20Strategic%20Brand%20Manager/(2023)%20Strategic%20Brand%20Manager%20-%20Sumol%20+%20Compal.xlsx


We got the file and will check it ASAP.

I tried to convert the file you provided to another format file. These formats include XML, DOCX, PPTX, PDF, PNG, and Html. They completed the conversion successfully.
I checked the product logs and found that there are two kinds of error logs.

  1. No conversion format provided.
  2. Unable to read the end of the stream.

Regarding 2, it is recommended to try two steps to complete the conversion to help us determine the location of the problem.

  1. Upload the file to Aspose.Cloud storage.
  2. Call the GetWorkbook API.