DXF to STL conversion using Aspose.3D REST API throws Stream incorrect or unsupported error

i’m getting error while converting dxf file to stl

Message: [400] Client error: POST https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0/3d/saveas/newformat?name=convertacad_21012467281604703829.dxf&newformat=stlascii&newfilename=convertacad_21012467281604703829.stl&folder=My%20Files%5Cless25&IsOverwrite=false resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {“error”:{“code”:“error”,“message”:“Stream incorrect or unsupported! Cannot open this file”,“description”:"Operation Fai (truncated…)

can you please explain why i’m getting this error?
here is my file convertacad_21012467281604703829.zip (511.0 KB)


We are sorry for the inconvenience. We have reproduced the exception with shared document and logged a ticket THREEDCLOUD-49 for further investigation and rectification. We will update you as soon as it is resolved.


We have fixed your above reported issue. Please try now, it will be working.

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