Downloading Mail Merge Word Template issue from Cloud Storage with Aspose.Words Cloud API

I have noticed that after uploading a mail-merged document if the file exceeds a few mb’s I continue to get a network error when downloading the file from my storage. Any reccomendations for being able to get that document?


Thanks for your inquiry. We will appreciate it if you please share your mailmerge template and data here along with the error details. We will test the scenario and will guide you accordingly. Furthermore, Please confirm how are you downloading the file via Dashboard UI or API?


We have not heard from you for a long time. So, not sure your above issue is resolved or not. However, we would like to inform you that Aspose.Words Cloud API Version 4.0 has introduced its native Storage API methods. It supports to process file size up to 100 MBs. So there is no need to use Aspose.Storage Cloud API anymore.