Download document from cloud storage with Aspose Cloud API throws error: Invalid version id specified

I’m using the example application for the cloud API. When I replaced a bookmark it is going to download the new output document. This generates an error (in VS, but also in usage in the management panel):

Error: Error ‘Invalid version id specified’, Bucket ‘afc-filestorage’, FilePath ‘20507/dc31a27c-f5bd-493e-9a51-f7239b47b0d2/doc-sample_out_.doc’. Method: Download the file… Parameters: path ‘doc-sample_out_.doc’,versionId ‘0’,storage ‘Aspose for Cloud Default Storage 0’

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please attach your sample application (source code without compilation errors) and input/output documents here for testing? We will investigate the issue on our end and provide you more information.

Best regards,