Docker image container gives error on hitting '/swagger' endpoint for aspose cells/cloud not working on local

I am running docker container using this command:

docker run   -e "LicensePublicKey=public_key" -e "LicensePrivateKey=private_key" --expose 8081 -p 8081:5000  aspose/cells-cloud:linux.23.1.0

On running it, I get a message that container is up. but when i try to hit -> http://localhost:8081/swagger/

it gives me below error:

{“error”:{“code”:“errorItemNotFound”,“message”:“NotFound”,“description”:“Operation Failed. Item Not Found.”,“innerError”:{“requestId”:null,“date”:“2023-01-27T07:20:15.8794649Z”}}}


We will review it and respond.


Please try to access the following link: http://localhost:80801/index.html.

Thank you @wangtao. Was able to access swagger api through /index.html endpoint


You are welcome.
Good to know that your issue is resolved. Feel free to contact us any time if you have further comments or questions.

HI @wangtao. Although I am able to access swagger ui, but I am not able to authorize the swagger api at the above said endpoint… It says failed to fetch details. Thus not able to get response. can u please confirm

Cells Cloud for Docker is a private cloud service. Now, the private cell cloud runs without authorization. You can directly execute each API without authorization. We will remove authorization from the swagger UI in the next version.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSCLOUD-12138

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