Do not know how to test aspose self-host api

I download Aspose on Docker Hub and run it successful. However, I do not know how to test it. It return “Healthy” when access the host url.

Please support.

Please, let us know which Aspose self-hosted API are you evaluating.

I just want to check one of those. For ex.

I does not work.

Thank you for interest to our solution. Please try to add API version number to your request, i.e.
/v3.0/imaging/storage/disc and let us know, if the issue isn’t gone.

It shown a error message as below

“requestId”: “0f780a80-0fec-447e-9173-1923aa604bad”,
“error”: {
“code”: “errorInvalidInputData”,
“message”: “Error while trying to get storage credentials from environment variables. Either storagesCredentials or storagesCredentialsFilePath env var must be completed.”,
“description”: “Operation Failed. The input data is not valid.”,
“dateTime”: “2023-06-12T10:53:36.9953218Z”,
“innerError”: null

image.png (7.7 KB)

Thank you for provided details. We’ve created IMAGINGCLOUD-832 issue in our internal system and attached the reference link here, so you’ll be updated as per status change.