Different results between self-hosted and saas api

I have converted RTF to HTML using both the self-hosted and saas versions of the api and they seem to return different results. In the case of the self-hosted container, I hit the /convert?Format=html endpoint, set an rtf string in the body, and set the Content-Type header to application/rtf. In the case of the saas api, I used the aspose_words_cloud ruby gem and called the api with:

# report_text = rtf string
words_api = AsposeWordsCloud::WordsApi.new
html_request = AsposeWordsCloud::ConvertDocumentRequest.new(document: report_text, format: "html")
html_result = words_api.convert_document(html_request)

The gem documentation references enhancements made in version 25.4. Perhaps changes in the rtf conversion happened in this version?

The differences that I notice between the two outputs mostly have to do with spacing and tabs. Note that the output from the saas api is preferable.

I notice that the html returned from the saas api contains:

<meta name="generator" content="Aspose.Words for Cloud for .NET 24.9.0" />

Looks like the conversion was done with version 24.9.0, which means this difference in output might be a regression?

I am running the latest docker container with api version 25.3.0. I also tried with the last docker container with api version 25.2.0, but got the same results. The container api does not handle spaces/tabs as well as the saas api.

Please advise, thank you.

UPDATE: I grabbed the container image tagged with 25.1 and ran the conversion again. Again the results were the same as 25.3 and 25.2. The regression must have happened between major versions 24 and 25. I did try also running image tagged with 24.9, but that threw errors using the setup instructions for 25.*.

Please share your rtf file for testing, but in general, there can be a font issue, so you might want to add fonts to your container.

Here is a zip file containing a txt file with the raw rtf string and two pdf files that were generated with 24.9 and 25.3 (the rtf/html content in the pdfs is between the headers and footers).

rtf.zip (475.6 KB)

Note this is not a real medical record, this is only used for testing.

I’ve attached a zip containing the two versions of the html output. You can see that the 24.9 version maintains the non-breaking spaces, while the 25.3 version does not. This does not appear to be a font issue, as far as I can tell.

rtf-to-html.zip (7.9 KB)

Thanks for sharing, I will look into this.