Date formatting/localisation for generated pdf?

Hello, I was wondering if there is an option to set up a default date format or some sort of date locale for when I generate a PDF from a word document.

To be more clear if I pass a document with a date in the form dd/mm/yyyy in the pdf is returned as mm/dd/yyyy.

While researching the subject I came across this link but this is for Java

I was wondering if there was something similar for the PHP library!

Here is my example code which works

// Instantiate 3rd Party library
$wordsApi = new WordsApi(config('app.words_api_client_id'), config('app.words_api_client_secret'));
// Path to our document in Storage/app/public/documents/...
$documentPath = storage_path('app/public/documents') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $request->filename;
// Convert the document 
$convertRequest = new ConvertDocumentRequest($documentPath, "pdf");
// Try to convert the document using the API else throw the error
try {
    $response = $wordsApi->convertDocument($convertRequest);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
    throw $th;


We will appreciate it if you please share your sample input, output, and expected output document. It will help us address the issue exactly.