Dashboard.aspose.cloud/files does not render fully = Spinning cursor

(This relates to the Dashboard and may not be Aspose.Words specific)

dashboard.aspose.cloud/files does not render fully
shell loads with container, but the body just has a spinning cursor …

This eventually timesout with “This page is having problems”
there is an implicating “Error code: Out of Memory”

Browser activity shows a wait for about 30 seconds and a flurry of about 32MB data then hangs

Other dashboard pages loading ok - e.g. API Usage logs


The dashboard is working fine at our end. If you are still facing the issue, then please share the error screenshot for further investigation.

The error is a spinning wheel - with no data returned - in the body of the Files tab of the dashboard.
Aspose-Dashboard-Files_SpinningWheel.png (42.7 KB)

After some time, the browser gives up
Aspose-Dashboard-Files_SpinningWheel_Timeout.png (14.7 KB)


Thanks for sharing the additional information. We are looking into the issue and will update you soon.

May I have an update?

Possibly a URL filter for getting a particular page with pagesize ?


We have investigated the issue, and found that you have a lot of files in your storage., so it hangs up with a timeout while loading. You may delete old files using DeleteFile API method or let us know to remove older files.
please ask them if we can delete their files