Custom fonts in word to pdf conversion using php

Hi, there i converting my word document to pdf using ASPOSE word api

$request = new Aspose\Words\Model\Requests\ConvertDocumentRequest(
$path, “pdf”, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
$convert = $wordsApi->convertDocument($request);

my word document has font family LIBRE BASKERVILLE but converted pdf has different font family
please suggest me how to use LIBRE BASKERVILLE in converted pdf also


Please note we have provided a parameter fontsLocation in Convert API methods to use custom fonts in document conversion. For this purpose, you need to create a font folder in cloud storage, upload your custom font(s) to it, and pass the path in the fontsLocation parameter in the convert API request. It will help you to use the LIBRE BASKERVILLE font in the conversion.

Hi @tilal.ahmad

Thanks for your reply.
i have created a fonts folder in Aspose storage and trying to access fonts from there but not successful may be i am not providing right path to folder.
Aspose storage name - fonts

can you please provide me real path that i should use


Please note that you do not need to add the storage name in the font folder path, but only the folder name. In your case, pass the fonts folder in the fontslocation parameter.