cURL Command to Remove HeadersFooters from a Word Document using Aspose.Words REST API

Hi Guys,

I’m want to create an API request in order to remove from a word file the headers and footers of the document. The document is stored in google drive, so I’m using the URL:{{filename}}/appendDocument?folder=INTEGROMAT/OCR_Iniciais&storage=GoogleDrive

However, I don’t know what is the code to be added on the request content.

Can you please provide it to me?

Thank you!


Please find the sample cURL command to remove HeadersFooters from a Word document. Hopefully, it will help you to accomplish the task.

DELETE ​/words​/{name}​/{sectionPath}​/headersfooters Removes HeaderFooter objects from the document section.

cURL Command to Remove all Headers and Footers in Word Document

curl -X DELETE "" 
-H "accept: */*" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJ......71qRuXJ1A"