Convert PowerPoint Presentation with animations to HTML using Aspose.Slides REST API


I’m looking for converting PowerPoint presentations to HTML with animations preserved. Is this supported, because when I take a look at the Features page, I couldn’t find it?

Thank you!


I am afraid currently Aspose.Slides Cloud is not supporting the requirements. We have logged a ticket SLIDESCLOUD-1094 for further investigation and resolution. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved. Meanwhile, we will appreciate it if you please share your sample input PPTX and expected HTML file as a zip file with us as well.

Hello @tilal.ahmad,

Thank you for your response!

I don’t have any HTML examples, but what I expect is to be able to “play” the presentation in HTML player, something like:

  • There is a wrapper with controls (for play, pause, prev, and next page/slide),
  • The first page is automatically loaded,
  • When you click the “next” button (e.g.), it will load the next Slide in the same wrapper.


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Thanks for the additional information. We will notify you as soon as we made some significant progress towards issue resolution.

That’s great, thank you @tilal.ahmad!

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