Convert PDF to XLS/XLSX output not recognized by Google Sheets

When using the following command, the generated file isn’t recognized by google as an xls or xlsx:


I have converted a sample PDF to XLSX using Aspose.PDF Cloud and Google Sheets is opening it without any issue. Please share some more details of the issue. We will look into it and will update you accordingly.

Is there something about directly saving onto google drive? Attached is the file that was generated. It doesn’t show up as being able to be opened by Google sheets

Here’s the request URL (I am using the API reference site to test:

(Attachment Estimate 1218_converted.xlsx is missing)


You can configure Google Drive with your account and use it as your storage in the API calls.

It seems the shared files are missing. Please share again the files using the upload button in the forum editor.

Yes, I have no problem saving to google drive. What I was wondering was whether that is part of the problem. Searching for this issue, I have seen in other places that XML files are generated when an XLS is requested. So, even with an XLS extension, it doesn’t work for google.

The attachment won’t work because it’s an unauthorized extension. So, here’s the link:


Thanks for sharing the additional details. We have noticed the reported issue and logged a ticket PDFCLOUD-2428 for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as we fix the issue.


Please note the above reported issue is resolved now. Please use the latest version of Aspose.PDF Cloud API for the fix.