Convert PDF to Excel using Aspose.PDF REST API throws object reference not set to an instance of an object

Calling the GetPdfInStorageToXls API method, I am get the below error. I have verified that the file is uploaded properly to storage before calling GetPdfInStorageToXls. Please advise.

Error: GetPdfInStorageToXls. Parameters: name ‘Weekly.pdf’, folder ‘’, storage ‘PdfToExcelStorage’. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Edit: Rather than using the UploadFile API method, I manually uploaded the Weekly.pdf file to my storage account to make sure the correct file was uploaded properly. Same error when calling the GetPdfInStorageToXls method with the following code:
var convertedFileStream = pdfApi.GetPdfInStorageToXls("Weekly.pdf", folder: "");


Please attach your input document here as well. It will help us to investigate and address your issue exactly.

Attached in private thread.


Thanks for sharing the problematic document. We have reproduced the reported issue and logged a ticket PDFCLOUD-1699 for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved.

Any update I can share with my team?


Please note Aspose.PDF Cloud is based on Aspose.PDF for .NET. We have completed the initial investigation and found an issue in the base API. So initially the issue will be fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET and then ported to Aspose.PDF Cloud. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved in Aspose.PDF Cloud.

Any update on how long this fix will take to be ported to Aspose.PDF Cloud? I would like to finalize our choice of using Aspose over other competitor products and I need to make that decision very soon.

This issue is not present in the base Aspose.PDF .Net SDK…


Thanks for your feedback. We have shared your concern with our product team and requested for the ETA. We will notify you as soon as we get an update.

Any update? I need to make a decision by the end of this week on which PDF library we will be using. If I knew a timeframe from your side, then I could factor that into my decision.


Our team has planned the issue investigation and will plan its fix accordingly. We will be in a good position to share an ETA with you in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience and cooperation.


We have good news for you. Your above reported issue is resolved and its fix will be included in the upcoming release Aspose.PDF Cloud 20.10. Hopefully, if everything works as per plan then we will publish the new version next week.


We have published Aspose.PDF Cloud 20.10. So you can use the latest version of Aspose.PDF Cloud for the fix.