Hello, I had a question around products that convert HTML emails.
Essentially I am looking for a solution to programmatically transform fully finished HTML emails into OFT and EML files for use in Outlook. This needs to be done inside a PHP application we’ve built. I’ve been reviewing Aspose documentation and it seems they are able to accomplish this (Email Message Files|Documentation).
My questions were around products. Ideally we would host the software on our servers due to privacy restrictions for a number of our clients. Sending their emails outside of our software would breach contract. I noticed Aspose had a GitHub repo (link). Is this repo self contained or does it make external calls to the Aspose cloud to handle the transformation? If we could hose the entire package that would be awesome, just not sure how this codebase handles the transformations.
Any guidance appreciated!
Welcome to our community! Thank you for your request. I will pass your topic to a more suitable forum.
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I’m afraid currently we do not support on premise version of Aspose.Email Cloud. However, we have logged a new feature request EMAILCLOUD-445 for Aspose.Email Cloud Docker container release. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved.
Please note GitHub repo is not self contained, it makes external calls to aspose.cloud server. The upcoming Aspose.Email Cloud Container will suit your requirements.
Hey great thanks so much! To be clear did you just create a feature request for EMAILCLOUD-445
or has that been in production for a while. I’m just wondering a timeline until the BETA.
We are thinking of using the existing C++ docker container since it’s already live, but would hate to invest in that if this was right around the corner.
I have asked our development team to confirm the ETA. We will notify you as soon as we get an update.