Convert all Slides in a PowerPoint document (PPTX) to SVG

When I work with PDF documents I can use /pdf/{name}/convert/svg to get a ZIP file with all pages as SVG. This is neat, but I think it’s missing in the PPTX service. I tried calling /slides/{name}/saveAs/svg but I get an error 400 back.

It would be really handy to be able to convert one document with one call.


Yes, this would be handy and also saves you some credits. I have logged the request SLIDESCLOUD-501 for the customization of the following API that will let you convert all slides in a PPTX file to SVG files (in zipped format) in one call.

PUT /slides/convert

We will update you here once the request is implemented. Thank you.


We are pleased to inform you that we have implemented the API that let you convert all Slides in a Powerpoint document (pptx) to SVG in one go. The API returns zipped file containing all resulting SVG files. You can use one of the following APIs to perform the conversion:

cURL Example would look as follows:

// First get Access Token
// Get App Key and App SID from
curl -v "" \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=0B17F60A-6D69-426B-9ABD-79F35A6E9F7B&client_secret=53b8b19adffa41a3e87dbbd8858977ae' \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
// cURL example to convert PPTX document to SVG
curl -v "" \
-X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer M8rBKxOn3hM3Af_0zvsjHhHV-tL3FYCFHg7GOWax2FDi_L4iTfkAcOKKgqd0oHcBOaXv3ZXOCBUyimREf1xz-8LO4V3ET0punk6Xr1j6_tQYCAphFuv5dddrROqTEPOhl67bpSi372m2w2-dGwRi6ZdcSnFgRt7OUVxnK2NMLyAq1b-TWUCU9DsNgSN-IlvOaHcs6OZdKDAGBlS3RoSPx14-f-UeYn-CA7VH92L05vceIQ7lD5uPI7d2WTRqnzRiaaBlkygbAKDBW2akgkNXpJfgfbaUE1IDZnXGazw3ibFBgGnEGNWFMMUYMU88xQmCbUnavverq5iPeesXJbcx7Jxghs2Fvzfsc4BL1gidOtwwuaCI-HQ0jR_hddcjMljw88YR-JsFIjhicxlITzlkVXySBlppk7WJ4Tvbfw6Bx32Fpov3"

Input Document:
Output Document:

This is great thanks!

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