We have an application which relies on aspose (slides, cells, and words) which we are porting to the azure cloud.
We currently build charts in cells, then embed them into ppt documents as OLE objects. In the azure environment when we retrieve these OLE objects we get Out of Memory errors.
More specifically when calling ToImage() on the chart to get the default display information for when we insert the OLE object into the chart we get the exception.
Are you guys aware of this issue? do you have any workarounds? Any planned fixes?
Can you tell me if any progres have been made on this issue? We have worked through a similar issue with the PPT component with Alexey (Link) and he has recommended that we follow up with you regarding the issue in the Cell component.
I believe that the quickest method of getting this demonstrated and resolved would be for your team to contact and collaborate with Alexey and his Slides team. He is the one that identified that the issue the Slides component was experiencing was fixed and now exposing this issue with the Cells component. I believe he can probably give you more direct information on the issue.
Any word on the progress on this issue or an estimate on when a fix might be available?
We unfortunately made development plans and subsequent commitments based on the timeline for the Slides fix and are not in the uncomfortable position of having to backpedal on those plans. Anything you can do to help us reset expectations would be greatly appreciated.
We pulled down the latest Cells component (Aspose.Cells for .NET v5.0.0) and we are still experiencing the same issue. Here is the feedback from our developer:
“The new Aspose.Cells DLL does not resolve the power point issue. We still continue to receive the Out Of Memory exception.”
Please let me know when you have an updated component for us to try.
After further exploration, we could not reproduce the issue here. We tested it on a computer with Win7 + Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.2 + VS2010 + .Framework 4.0 etc. Could you create a simple test and provide it here?
Usually, the exceptions are thrown by the Font class. For example, Font.GetHeight(), Font.SizeInPoints, Font.EmSize etc. However, the Chart.ToImage() method does not use those methods directly. We create a simple Cloud Service project for testing the ToImage() method. Please set TestChart.aspx as start page and run it. We found when setting the trust level to “Full trust” all the formatted chart can be obtained. When you set the trust level to “Windows Azure trust”, only the emf format chart is not right, that throws security permission exception. The security exception occurs because of Graphics.GetHdc(). We will continue to look into it.
We successfully performed a test on VS 2008 (.NET 3.5) under Windows Vista 32-bit environment without any problem. In order to reproduce your issue, please provide a sample project for further investigation.
The sample project is attached here for your reference.
Do you have any update to the status of this issue? We are eagerly awaiting a fix for this issue so we can hopefully complete this functionality. We have been working through issues with the Aspose components for about a month now and we are looking forward to getting this resolved.
Any information you have on the status of this item would be greatly appreciated.