Cells API: Sudden "Service temporary unavailable" and 401 errors

Hi, we’re suddenly getting “Service temporary unavailable” and 401 errors from https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0/cells/. These happen on every request with code that has been working fine for a year. Are there any ongoing issues currently?

It seems this has now turned to constant timeouts from the end point, and from dashboard logs the error is always the following:

image.png (37.2 KB)

@integrations ,Due to the change of the Authority address, the existing SDK package is abnormal, please upgrade to the latest version 24.5.

If you are not using the SDK, please update the address where you obtained the access token to https://id.aspose.cloud/connect/token

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Thanks, changing the token end-point fixed the issue

Thank you for your response. Please keep us updated if you encounter any further issues.

@integrations ,
Due to billing and authentication issues, Cells Cloud has temporarily rolled back to the previous version, if you encounter authentication problems again, please re-use the https://api.aspose.cloud/connect/token to obtain an access token