BulletChar Property Is Null while Reading Bulleted Items


I’m trying to read a simple pptx file created in PowerPoint.
If I create a bullet list on a non-main slide - the BulletChar is null. Although it works correctly if add bullets on the first slide.
Code Example:

        var storageName = "my-storage";
        var fileName = "test_for_support.pptx";
        var appSid = "<appid>";
        var appKey = "<key>";
        var slidesApi = new SlidesApi(appSid, appKey);
        for (int slideId = 1; slideId <= 2; slideId++)
            for (int listItemIndex = 1; listItemIndex <= 2; listItemIndex++)
                var paragraph = slidesApi.GetParagraph(fileName, slideId, 2/* skip header */, listItemIndex, storage: storageName);
                Console.WriteLine($"{paragraph.BulletChar ?? "[NO BULLET]"} {string.Join(';', paragraph.PortionList.Select(p=>p.Text).ToArray())}");

Attaching the code and the test presentation

pptx-header.png (9.6 KB)
pptx-second.png (7.7 KB)

Thank you
Poc-bullets.zip (25.1 KB)
pptx-header.png (9.59 KB)
pptx-second.png (7.66 KB)
output.png (1005 Bytes)

Thank you for the issue description. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

I’ve reproduced the problem with reading paragraph bullets and added a ticket with ID SLIDESCLOUD-1367 in our issue tracking system. Our development team will investigate this case. You will be notified when the issue is resolved.

Please do not share your client ID and client Key in the public forums in the future (I’ve removed them from your ZIP archive).

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Since version 22.6 you can use GetParagraphEffective and GetPortionEffective methods. These methods help you to resolve the problem you have encountered.

Get Paragraph Effective Values
Get Portion Effective Values

API Reference: GetParagraphEffective | GetPortionEffective