I’m trying to read a simple pptx file created in PowerPoint.
If I create a bullet list on a non-main slide - the BulletChar is null. Although it works correctly if add bullets on the first slide.
Code Example:
var storageName = "my-storage";
var fileName = "test_for_support.pptx";
var appSid = "<appid>";
var appKey = "<key>";
var slidesApi = new SlidesApi(appSid, appKey);
for (int slideId = 1; slideId <= 2; slideId++)
for (int listItemIndex = 1; listItemIndex <= 2; listItemIndex++)
var paragraph = slidesApi.GetParagraph(fileName, slideId, 2/* skip header */, listItemIndex, storage: storageName);
Console.WriteLine($"{paragraph.BulletChar ?? "[NO BULLET]"} {string.Join(';', paragraph.PortionList.Select(p=>p.Text).ToArray())}");
Attaching the code and the test presentation
pptx-header.png (9.6 KB)
pptx-second.png (7.7 KB)
Thank you
Poc-bullets.zip (25.1 KB)
pptx-header.png (9.59 KB)
pptx-second.png (7.66 KB)
output.png (1005 Bytes)