Azure Functions .Net Core 3.1 Does Not Run when Aspose.Slides-Cloud Is Added


We are building an Azure Function on .Net Core 3.1. When we added “Aspose.Slides-Cloud” NuGet package to the references and without even writing any Aspose code and running the Function App fails.

Am I missing something?

Thank you for contacting support.

Please describe step by step in more detail how we can reproduce the problem you are experiencing.

  1. Create a new Azure Function App project in Visual Studio 2022 using .Net Core 3.1
  2. Setup your Function inside this new project
  3. Run the project -> works fine
  4. Add a NuGet package reference “Aspose.Slides-Cloud” to the project
  5. Run the project -> Function is throwing error

Attached is the error description when I run the project.

Language used: C#

image.png (27.2 KB)

Thank you for the additional information. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

I’ve reproduced the problem with Aspose.Slides-Cloud package in an Azure Functions app and added a ticket with ID SLIDESCLOUD-1450 to our issue tracking system. Our development team will investigate this case. We will inform you of any progress.

Thank you. Hoping to see the resolution soon and am eager to try it out. Lemme know if you want me to do early-access testing.

This issue has a normal priority. Our development team will do their best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for using Aspose.Slides Cloud.

Any updates on this issue? Or any timeline as to when it might be addressed? Thanks.

I’ve requested plans for the issue from our development team for you. We will let you know soon.

Our developers reported that they plan to fix the issue in Aspose.Slides Cloud 22.6.

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The issue you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESCLOUD-1450) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides Cloud 22.6.