Aspose.Words REST API Not working - out of memory exceptions


Calls to the words cloud API have started failing as of this morning. This is a high priority issue for us as it is causing an outage.

Please see examples of errors below:
Error message: Error while loading file ‘WordDocuments\9a8f16e7-bab4-438f-b597-315af763e099.docx’ from storage: The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception.
Call made: postDocumentParagraphRunFont

Error message: Error while loading file ‘WordDocuments\eac0d2b6-030a-4619-bebe-df18a19765ef.docx’ from storage: The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception.
Call made: updateSectionPageSetup

Error message: Error while loading file ‘WordDocuments\b70e19ab-0c33-4b62-b2c1-765928b1cc8b.docx’ from storage: The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception.
Call made: getDocumentParagraphs

Error message: Error while loading file ‘sourceFilename’ from storage: The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.
Call made: putConvertDocument

Please note that in the last call there is an issue because the name of the sourceFilename property seems to be being used, rather than the value which was passed for that key. That is not an issue on our side.

Our code has not been changed and this was working yesterday, something seems to have changed within the apose cloud API. Look forward to hearing from you ASAP

On further investigation of our usage logs it appears that this issue is related to Convert, create and merge Word Documents in Ruby using Aspose.Words Cloud REST API throwing System.OutOfMemoryException - #2 by tilal.ahmad & Word to PDF conversion with Aspose.Words Cloud throws OutOFMemoryException - #3 by Michelle_Kearney which have been raised by other customers.

Error: Error while loading file ‘WordDocuments\eac0d2b6-030a-4619-bebe-df18a19765ef.docx’ from storage: The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception. => Error while loading file ‘WordDocuments\eac0d2b6-030a-4619-bebe-df18a19765ef.docx’ from storage: The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception. => The type initializer for ' ’ threw an exception. => Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown… Method: Update page setup of section. Parameters: name ‘eac0d2b6-030a-4619-bebe-df18a19765ef.docx’,sectionIndex ‘0’,pageSetup ‘Aspose.Words.Cloud.DTO.DocumentElements.Sections.PageSetup’,folder ‘WordDocuments’


Thanks for your inquiry. Please check now, we have redeployed the fresh containers for API Version 1.1. It should work now.

We strongly recommend to use new improved API Version V4 in terms of memory management and API structure. The SDKs >19.2 are using API Version V4, you can check release tab for the changes in later SDK versions.