Aspose Word OnPremise: Memory leak issue

We observed a sudden spike (70% ~700MB) in memory usage while monitoring aspose-words onpremise pod right after serving the first request. After that even when there are no incoming request, memory usage is not coming down. We tried by increasing memory resource limits to 1.5GB, and observed similar memory usage behavior (70% after the first req). And the memory usage is gradually increasing and impacting the overall latency of our application.

Need some help in understanding how much memory resource is required to handle general aspose-word requests. And also how to debug the memory leak issue.


We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please confirm that you are using the latest version of the Aspose.Words Cloud Docker image; 24.1.

We are using aspose/words-cloud:23.10 version


Please try the Aspose.Words Cloud Docker 24.1 version and share the results, as we have made some improvements to it.