Aspose Word cloud error: SkiaSharp.SKImageFilter.CreateBlur


We are getting an error when using Aspose Word with Aspose cloud.
We are using saveAs endpoint ( to convert Word document to HTML.

The error reads:
Method not found: ‘SkiaSharp.SKImageFilter SkiaSharp.SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(Single, Single)’.

Thank you for your help!


The error you are encountering, specifically “Method not found: ‘SkiaSharp.SKImageFilter SkiaSharp.SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(Single, Single)’,” suggests that there may be an issue with the version of the SkiaSharp library being used in your application. This method is part of the SkiaSharp library, which is a dependency for Aspose.Words when working with graphics.

To resolve this issue, consider the following steps:

  1. Check SkiaSharp Version: Ensure that you are using a compatible version of SkiaSharp. The error indicates that the method might not be available in the version you are currently using. You may need to update to a newer version where this method is included.

  2. Use .NET Framework Base Image: If you are running your application in a Windows container, it is recommended to use the .NET Framework base image with the .NET Framework version of Aspose.Words, as this version does not depend on SkiaSharp. This can help avoid compatibility issues.

  3. Docker Considerations: If you are deploying your application in a Docker container, ensure that you are using the appropriate images that support Aspose.Words and its dependencies. The .NET Core images are generally smaller and more efficient for microservices, but make sure they include the necessary native assets for SkiaSharp.

  4. Consult Documentation: For detailed guidance on running Aspose.Words in Docker and managing dependencies, refer to the official Aspose documentation. It provides insights on setting up your environment correctly to avoid such issues.

If you continue to experience problems after checking these points, please provide additional details about your setup, including the versions of Aspose.Words and SkiaSharp you are using.

[1]: How to Run Aspose.Words in Docker

Thank you bot :slight_smile:

I have read all other forum posts regarding this error.

All are, I image, not applicable to this post, as we are not using self-hosted version of Asepose Word, but a cloud version.

Please share your document for analysis, as it seems to be a document-related issue.

I am attaching an isolated part of a document, that seems to cause the issue.
Thank you for your help!
napaka.docx (51.1 KB)

Thank you for sharing the document. I will check it out and return with the results.

Could you please check your entire document at Aspose.Words Cloud - API References
Log in with your credentials, set “Invoke as Online operation,” and set HTML save options. I tried using the document you shared, which was converted to HTML just fine.

Thank you for your reply and your help!

Maybe it has to do something with settings?

I tried with

  • simplified (requestId cf2f3f82a8bdefc10eb518d079113035) → failed
  • full document (requestId: 4d2d3087d70ca1f6a02ff180cbf7f199) → failed

My settings are as follows:

  • AllowNegativeIndent => false,
  • CssClassNamePrefix => ‘ms-’,
  • CssStyleSheetType => ‘Embedded’,
  • DocumentSplitCriteria => ‘None’,
  • ExportDocumentProperties => false,
  • ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText => true,
  • ExportHeadersFootersMode => ‘None’,
  • ExportImagesAsBase64 => true,
  • ExportListLabels => ‘AsInlineText’,
  • ExportPageMargins => false,
  • ExportPageSetup => false,
  • ExportRoundtripInformation => true,
  • ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText => true,
  • ExportTocPageNumbers => false,
  • ExportXhtmlTransitional => false,
  • HtmlVersion => ‘Html5’,
  • MetafileFormat => ‘Svg’,
  • OfficeMathOutputMode => ‘Image’,
  • PrettyFormat => true,
  • ResolveFontNames => false,
  • ScaleImageToShapeSize => false,
  • TableWidthOutputMode => ‘All’,
  • SaveFormat => ‘html’,
  • AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts => false,
  • Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode => ‘Basic’,
  • DmlEffectsRenderingMode => ‘Fine’,
  • DmlRenderingMode => ‘Fallback’,
  • FileName => ‘output.html’,
  • ImlRenderingMode => ‘InkML’,
  • UpdateCreatedTimeProperty => false,
  • UpdateFields => false,
  • UpdateLastPrintedProperty => false,
  • UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty => false,
  • ZipOutput => false,

Thanks for sharing additional information.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSCLOUD-2822

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Great! Thank you for your support!

I see that issue status is set as ‘closed’, but we are still getting the same error.

Is there any feedback on this?
Thank you!

Yes, the issue is resolved and will be available in the 24.10 release.

Oh, this is great news. Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you for your patience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSCLOUD-2822) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by Ivanov_John