Aspose pdf on premise is taking a lot of time, while CPU utilization is very low

Hi team,

Aspose pod which we use for converting docx to pdf, is taking almost 10 sec. We want to confirm, as there is no change from our side, and CPU utilization is less than 1%, is there any call which is coming to aspose outside that is taking this much time? Is there any way to add debug logs for timestamps o if you log it at your end? Need urgent help on this as we are facing this in production.


Can you please provide more details about the environment you are using, such as the version of Aspose.PDF and any specific configurations that might affect performance?

Docker Image: 24.9

Please confirm that you use Aspose.PDF as the topic created in Aspose.Words Cloud forum

Hey. We are using aspose words to convert docx to pdf. Hope that helps.

Okay, could you please share the document, which is taking much time to convert? There are documents that, in memory, can take hundreds of MB, so it’s time-consuming to work with them.

Like for every simple document, it is taking this much time. We also have a staging environment, for which we have different client id. In that, same document is converted in just ms.

hey. We are kind of stuck here. ASPOSE_API_SID: ‘bc1f4d2c-3585-488f-8bf2-22b5a65aa924’

Can you please check for above client Id. We don’t have a clue why this is happening and is in production.

I will look into logs to get a clue as to why it may happen.

Hi, were you able to find anything. For instance, you can compare logs of above account vs 13cb5aa4-da29-4943-bb2a-81f7b6534142, this client Id. Same file is taking 5+ sec(more in many cases also) for first case, and 1.5 sec for later.

Also, is there any env variable that we can set on our end to log the time taken by aspose? Like to see logs in aspose pod, which is on premise implementation.

I’m afraid I didn’t find any request associated with ‘bc1f4d2c-3585-488f-8bf2-22b5a65aa924’
However, for “13cb5aa4-da29-4943-bb2a-81f7b6534142,” I did find requests, and most of them were finished by 4sec, but some requests were processed by 20sec or so.
You can try to upgrade the docker image to the latest one, which is aspose/words-cloud:24.12, upgrade node js SDK to the latest version, which is also 24.12, and try it again.
Regarding env, you can set up to log time - no, it’s not available for now, but I will create an issue for the development team to consider this opportunity.

Hey. Thanks for the prompt reply. ‘bc1f4d2c-3585-488f-8bf2-22b5a65aa924’ This is our production account so ideally you should be able to find requests for this. Please check. Also, parallel, I will work on upgrading aspose docker version.

Edit: Also, Are these latencies expected for an on premise approach? Because this is something we are facing recently and earlier, everything used to work just fine.

I couldn’t find any request for the last 2 months with that client ID.
Regarding latency, in general, the time depends on document structure.

So like do you also get logs for on premise approach. I think you checked for cloud based approach which we may have enabled sometime in staging(“13cb5aa4-da29-4943-bb2a-81f7b6534142"), but we never do that in prod (‘bc1f4d2c-3585-488f-8bf2-22b5a65aa924’). We are facing this in on premise approach fyi.

I will contact the billing team regarding this matter.

Yes please do. Thanks for actively responding.