Aspose.Pdf-Cloud - GetHtmlInStorageToPdf Error

Hello members -

I’m trying to update Aspose.Pdf-Cloud from 19.1.0 to 20.6.1, which is causing some issues.

My .NET application has been running on Aspose.Pdf-Cloud version 19.1.0. I created a new storage & app which connects to a custom azure endpoint. I call the “GetHtmlInStorageToPdf” method to convert my HTML file into PDF. It works fine when I run on 19.1.0

I tried upgrading to the latest version - 20.6.1, and it errors out calling that function.

Error - Error calling GetHtmlInStorageToPdf: {“error”:{“code”:“errorWindowsAzureStorage”,“message”:“Windows Azure Storage exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.”,“description”:“Operation Failed. Windows Azure Storage Error.”,“innerError”:{“requestId”:null,“date”:“2020-07-05T19:25:51.6076233Z”}}}

Could someone please help with this ?

Thank you!


We have tested GetHtmlInStorageToPdf API method is working fine with latest release of Aspose.PDF Cloud. Please share your sample code along with the credentials in a private message. We will investigate the issue and will guide you. Meanwhile, can you please test the scenario with Aspose default storage instead of Azure Storage? It will confirm that whether you are facing issue because of Aspose.PDF Cloud latest release or Azure Storage.

Furthermore, please note a major difference between 19.1.0 and 20.6.1 is API request authentication method. The Aspose.PDF Cloud 20.6.1 uses JSON Web Token(JWT) for API authentication instead of OAuth 2.0/URL signing.

Hi @tilal.ahmad - Thank you for your response.

I’ve tested using Aspose Cloud Storage. I uploaded the zip on the cloud storage, and sent the particular file name as the param, and it worked fine.

I believe we are using JWT for API authentication. Our authentication logs show that for POST, we receive a 200 response code.

For the sample code, what credentials would you need ? ASPOS SID, Key and Storage ?



Thanks for your feedback. Please double check that you a have configured Azure storage with correctly.

Yes, please share your code along with App SID, Key and storage name in a private message (click on my user name in the post and use message tab for the purpose). We will investigate it.

I’ve sent you the details via a private message.

Thank you for your prompt response!



Thanks, I have received your credentials along with other details. We are investigating the server logs and will update you asap.