Aspose.PDF.Cloud error ClientId is undefined

I signed up for free trial to check the cloud, and I am using latest Aspose.Pdf-Cloud for .Net (v22.2.0) on .Net Framework 4.8 App and I am getting following error

Error calling UploadFile: {“RequestId”:“6aacd054-e387-4aae-a024-bbfe5dc301a9”,“Error”:{“Code”:“error”,“Message”:“ClientId is undefined. Please check authorization.”,“Description”:“Operation Failed. General Error.”,“DateTime”:“2022-02-22T15:48:06.2987337Z”,“InnerError”:null}}

my code is

var api = new PdfApi("xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
using(var file = System.IO.File.OpenRead(sourcePath)) {
  var response = api.UploadFile("820-605.docx", file, "820-605.pdf");

I have Client ID and Client Secret from the Dashboard, but I can only see apiKey, appSID in PdfApi


Please pay attention to PdfApi definition. You need to pass Client Secret as the first parameter. Hopefully, it will resolve the issue.

PdfApi(string apiKey, string appSid)

P.S: Do not share your credentials in a public post.

HI Team ,
I am trying API on Postman, still I am facing same issue****************&appSid=************************


Please note that the latest version of Aspose.PDF Cloud uses JSON Web Token(JWT) for authenticating API requests. You need to get an access token and use it in the conversion request. Please check the following documentation for details. Hopefully, it will help you accomplish the task.