Aspose.Email .Net - ListMessages method from MS Graph Client failing on Mac OS

I am trying to access outlook/hotmail mails through MS Graph API using Aspose.Email.
Every thing works fine in debug mode - I am able to get access token, able to get mail folder’s list and messages but in release mode ListMessages method is failing.

Exception is -
01-10-2024 18:21:00 System.TypeLoadException: Cannot load type ‘System.String, netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’.
at a.fu (System.Int32 d, v v, System.Boolean& c, System.Boolean t) [0x00217] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at a.KE (System.Int32 d, System.Boolean v) [0x00032] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at a.tu () [0x0002b] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at a.FE (System.Object[] d, System.Type[] v, System.Type[] c, System.Object[] t) [0x00035] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at a.Su (System.IO.Stream d, System.String v, System.Object[] c, System.Type[] t, System.Type[] n, System.Object[] B) [0x0000f] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at (System.IO.Stream d, System.String v, System.Object[] c) [0x00000] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at OP.TqWcAuccfZvrQ0Zl9FxbuHiZohM8Mcaaģܣ () [0x0000a] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at vk.BWiFX (System.String d) [0x00120] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at mW[d].B (System.Text.StringBuilder d, jv v) [0x00442] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at mW[d].mWiFn (System.Text.StringBuilder d, jv v) [0x00000] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at OW[d].mWiFn (System.Text.StringBuilder d, jv v) [0x00000] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at mW[d].mWiFc () [0x0001a] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at dW.ListMessages (System.String d) [0x00007] in <4e5cf0be310a403f7c76830167849157>:0
at MacMBoxExport.ViewController.bkThreadTab4Next_DoWorkO (System.Object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs eArgs) [0x02045] in :0 exception caught in VC.1.042.002

Aspose.Email .Net Version 24.9.0
OS: Mac Ventura 13.4
Language: C# on Visual studio 2022 for Mac
Xcode: 14.3.1
Project Type : Xamarin Cocoa App

Test project link :

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