Aspose Cloud Storage

I want to add a hyperlink to an image in a PPT using Aspose Cloud API. According to my understanding, I need to

  1. Register an application
  2. Create a storage
  3. Upload PPT to that storage
  4. Use API to add hyperlink to any object in the PPT

I have doubts regarding the storage, I added a s3 bucket as storage and used access key and secret of my custom bucket, but file is not found at that location when I am trying to access it.
API is trying to access file on below location
What is this location?
What exactly is the storage and how to use it?

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When you register an application, a default storage is created for you. It’s a folder on a S3 bucket. You do not have to include bucket & root in the file path.

If you like, you can create a custom storage that uses your own S3 bucket. In this case, you should not forget to add “storage” parameter to your API requests, otherwise the default storage will be addressed.

You can use dashdoard to see your storage files:

Can you observe your files there? If so, use its name (without bucket) to access it.
If the file is located in a subfolder, you should also specify it, but not the entire S3 path.

I hope it helps.
Please ask further if anything remains unclear.