May I ask if you are using Aspose.Cells Cloud or Aspose.Cells local components?
If you are using Aspose.Cells Cloud, you can try the Convert API or SaveAs API.
However, the current output result does not meet the output format you have proposed, so we need to evaluate it further.
Currently, Aspose.Cells Cloud does not support this feature. If you need this feature, we will evaluate it and try to implement it as soon as possible.
Hi @wangtao,
Thank you for your quick response.
We are using Aspos.Cells local components.
I checked your code and had query in below line,
wb.ExportXml(wb.Worksheets.XmlMaps[0].Name, OutPutFloder + “output.xml”);
Could you share the input file you use to see what is inside wb.Worksheets.XmlMaps[0].Name
as you can see our first node
<Student ID=1>
has attribute ID, Could you guide us how can we set that in dynamic template?