Aspose.Cells Cloud の API 経由で PutConvertWorkbook を用いて Excel を HTML に変換するとスタイルが崩れることがある

以下のようなコード(Kotlin)を用いて Aspose.Cells Cloud を用いて Excel を HTML に変換したいのですが、半分以上の確率でダウンロードした HTML のスタイルが崩れてしまいます。
上手く変換できている HTML と比較すると明らかにファイルサイズが異なり、HTMLの構造もBase64で埋め込んでいる画像も欠損しています。

val excelFile = File(excelFilePath)
val htmlFileName = “export.html”
val request = PutConvertWorkbookRequest().apply {
checkExcelRestriction = false
format = “html”
file = hashMapOf(htmlFileName to excelFile)
val cellsApi = CellsApi(asposeClientId, asposeClientSecret)


Please try to add extended query parameters. And refer to the following code:

    request.extendQueryParameterMap = new  Dictionary<string, string>();


Thank you for your reply, but the PutConvertWorkbookRequest class does not have a property named extendQueryParameterMap. I am using Aspose.Cells for Cloud Java SDK, available at GitHub - aspose-cells-cloud/aspose-cells-cloud-java: Java SDK to communicate with Aspose.Cells REST API. Create, Edit or Convert Excel files in the Cloud..

Is there an alternative solution?


We will refer to Net SDK to provide you with a solution as soon as possible.

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We had added a new feature about extend query parameters on the latest version.

Please refer to the following code :

String localName = “Book1.xlsx”;
String remoteName = “Book1.xlsx”;
String format = “html”;
String newfilename = “DotNetSDK/OutResult/PostExcelSaveAs.html”;
CellsApiUtil.Upload(api, remoteFolder + “/” + remoteName , localName , “”);
PostWorkbookSaveAsRequest request = new PostWorkbookSaveAsRequest();
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
HashMap<String, String> extendQueryParameterMap = new HashMap<>();
extendQueryParameterMap.put(“SaveAsSingleFile”, “true”);
extendQueryParameterMap.put(“ExportImagesAsBase64”, “true”);
SaveResponse response = this.api.postWorkbookSaveAs(request);

Thank you!

I’ll try it.

Welcome to Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK. Please let us know if you encounter any issues. We will check them as soon as possible.