I get "Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.NeedRepeatRequestException: Exception of type 'Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.NeedRepeatRequestException' was thrown. at Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.RequestHandlers.OAuthRequestHandler.ProcessResponse(HttpWebResponse response, Stream resultStream)
" for a few days when I execute the CAD API:
var postStreamRequest = new PostDrawingSaveAsRequest(new MemoryStream(data), "pdf");
using var result = new CadApi(AppKey, AppSid).PostDrawingSaveAs(postStreamRequest);
But, it works fine with code:
var pdfApi = new PdfApi(AppKey, AppSid);
var doc = pdfApi.UploadFile(name, pdfStream);
var image = pdfApi.GetPageConvertToPng(name, 1);
with the same credentials.