
I get "Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.NeedRepeatRequestException: Exception of type 'Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.NeedRepeatRequestException' was thrown. at Aspose.CAD.Cloud.Sdk.RequestHandlers.OAuthRequestHandler.ProcessResponse(HttpWebResponse response, Stream resultStream) " for a few days when I execute the CAD API:

var postStreamRequest = new PostDrawingSaveAsRequest(new MemoryStream(data), "pdf");
using var result = new CadApi(AppKey, AppSid).PostDrawingSaveAs(postStreamRequest);

But, it works fine with code:

var pdfApi = new PdfApi(AppKey, AppSid);
var doc = pdfApi.UploadFile(name, pdfStream);
var image = pdfApi.GetPageConvertToPng(name, 1);

with the same credentials.

Did this request work earlier? Does it work for some other data? Could you please attach the file that causing this issue?

could you please test if the problem still persists with the latest SDK release available?