Dear PrayDesai,
Thank You for contacting Aspose Support.
Aspose.Words for Cloud allows you to modify and manipulate Word documents and convert them to a format of your choice.
Aspose.Words for Cloud supports adding and manipulating Headers in word documents. Unfortunately, due to a bug in our current code base this feature is not working. We have logged a issue WORDSCLOUD-181 in our internal bug tracking System. We will notify you once this features is available.
To add Page Numbers to a Word Document you can use the following cURL command
curl -v “[http://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/words/{FILENAME}/insertPageNumbers?appSid={APP_ID}&signature={SIGNATURE} ](http://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/words/%7BFILENAME%7D/insertPageNumbers?appSid=%7BAPP_ID%7D&signature=%7BSIGNATURE%7D)” -d ‘{“Format”: “{PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}”, “Alignment”: “right”, “IsTop”: false, “SetPageNumberOnFirstPage”: true }’ -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H "Accept: application/json"
You can save a Word document to any format of your choice by using the following cURL command
curl -v “[http://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/words/{filename}/SaveAs?appSid={APP_ID}&signature={SIGNATURE} ](http://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1/words/%7Bfilename%7D/SaveAs?appSid=%7BAPP_ID%7D&signature=%7BSIGNATURE%7D)” -X POST -d ‘{“SaveFormat”: “pdf”, “FileName”: “Sample.pdf”}’ -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H "Accept: application/json"
You can visit the following document links to learn more of our API
- Adding Page Numbers to a Word Document
- Using Headers and Footers in a Word Document
- Converting a Word Document to Other Formats
Best Regards
Mateen Sajjad
Aspose – File Format APIs
Hi Mateen,
Thank you for your inquiry and sharing details.
Aspose.Words for Cloud API can not help to create PDF from HTML. However we have an API named Aspose.Pdf for Cloud which supports the PDF file creation and manipulation.
To create PDF from HTML please visit link Create PDF from HTML . This article has cURL as well as SDK examples to create PDF from HTML.
You can also use our swagger link to create PDF from HTML and test the API functionality. Please follow below steps to create PDF from HTML and test the API functionality
1- Open URL
2- Enter your App Key and App Sid in right top corner.
3- Enter required parameters name (Generated PDF file name), templateFile (HTML file name, make sure template file is already present on cloud storage), templateType (html) and version (1.1).
4- Click Try it
out button
5- It will
create PDF from HTML on cloud storage and will return you Request URL with
correct signature at the end
If you have any further questions, please feel free to share.
Naeem Akram
Aspose - File Format APIs.
Hello Naeem,
Thank you for your inquiry and sharing further details.
I have created sample HTML file which have header and footer. You can download or clone examples project using this link GitHub .
Create PDF from HTML example link is also working please visit link Create PDF from HTML .
If you have any further questions, please feel free to share.
Naeem Akram
Aspose - File Format APIs.